Monday, May 17, 2010
Thursday, October 08, 2009
Tuesday, June 02, 2009
Attack! String 06/02/2009

Attack! String 06/02/2009
Jonathan Fay: let me guess..
Haytem Alaj: start
Jonathan Fay: Ahmed is also Haytem
Ahmed Elgen: erm.... i dont think so
Haytem Alaj: haha how old are u jonathan 5 or 6
Jonathan Fay: you will use green to mess things up for blue's advantage
Ahmed Elgen: last time i saw
Haytem Alaj: hahahaha just play kido
Haytem Alaj: so u dnt talk too much
Jonathan Fay: green has 1 kill?
Haytem Alaj: hahha
Jonathan Fay: this your second game ever/
Jonathan Fay: cheater
Ahmed Elgen: wow, ur annoying
Jonathan Fay: how do you report cheating again..?
Haytem Alaj: so annoying
Haytem Alaj: hahahahhaha
Ahmed Elgen: at least i have a life
Jonathan Fay: so green is your buffer then huh?
Ahmed Elgen: instead of playing this constantly like you
Haytem Alaj: no he is the one **** ing ur mum
Haytem Alaj: ha ha ur so funny man i hope ur not old lol lol
Ahmed Elgen: look at his face...
Haytem Alaj: hahha
Jonathan Fay: it must be a real skill to type to yourself..
Jonathan Fay: almost looks real..
Haytem Alaj: hahahaha ur so funny i swear where u from american or where hahha
Haytem Alaj: byeeeeeeeee
Ahmed Elgen: go learn to play
Jonathan Fay: just what i though blue..
Jonathan Fay: gee? where did green go?
Jonathan Fay: you were him..
Jonathan Fay: cheater
Haytem Alaj: to fk ur mum
Haytem Alaj: she likes it in the ass
Jonathan Fay: what, are you 14?
Haytem Alaj: what are u 5 or 6
Haytem Alaj: hahahhaah
Jonathan Fay: you are the one cheating
Jonathan Fay: i am just calling you out
Haytem Alaj: go fk ur self and say hi to ur sister tell her today sae time anal lesson
Jonathan Fay: log back in as green, you'll have a better chance Ahmed
Adam Burton: liverpool!!!!!
Haytem Alaj: can some body take this loser out hahahaha
Adam Burton: good team eddie
Eddie Jeary: i know but won nothing this season
Adam Burton: good progress in league tho
Eddie Jeary: yeah another striker and right back at least for next season
Adam Burton: yeah we'll do it
Adam Burton: bet haytems happy
Eddie Jeary: sorry john ill keep an eye for haytem
Haytem Alaj: bye jonathan sleep well
Adam Burton: barca 2 united 0 lol
Jonathan Fay: ha. little punk is doubling into the game with a shadow
Jonathan Fay: hate that shyte..
Adam Burton: doubling with a shadow?
Jonathan Fay: logged in twice
Jonathan Fay: as two people
Jonathan Fay: sets up green as a buffer
Jonathan Fay: then really plays with blue
Adam Burton: paranoid lol
Haytem Alaj: go find a job and have a life haha its a game ur going to cry or what
Adam Burton: lol
Jonathan Fay: what from you cheating?
Jonathan Fay: no.
Jonathan Fay: just pointing it out
Eddie Jeary: there was another person as green he doesnt mean u
Adam Burton: oh ok
Jonathan Fay: C'mon liverpool!! take that blue out !
Adam Burton: lol
Jonathan Fay: Justice will be served!!
Jonathan Fay: ha!!
Haytem Alaj: haha i realy want to know how old are u
Haytem Alaj: hahaha
Haytem Alaj: u need to have a life or find a girl or ur gay lol
Haytem Alaj: maybe u like it from behind lol
Jonathan Fay: i get way more a$$ than you little one :)
Eddie Jeary: where u from adam
Adam Burton: weymouth in dorset
Eddie Jeary: that picture in portsmouth
Haytem Alaj: green ur so stupid too
Haytem Alaj: haha where u from guys american
Haytem Alaj: lol
Haytem Alaj: movie
Jonathan Fay: !!! that was awsome!
Haytem Alaj: hahah ur such losers
Haytem Alaj: hahaha
Jonathan Fay: too funny!
Adam Burton: no its in australia eddie
Eddie Jeary: yeah **** thats y where talking bout liverpool
Haytem Alaj: hahahahahahhahaaha
Adam Burton: 4 cards for somone here
Haytem Alaj: liverpool suckssssss barcalona is the best
Adam Burton: i only attacked u haytem cos u are being a complete t w a t
Jonathan Fay: ha
Adam Burton: yeah i agree barcelona are the best
Haytem Alaj: no ur mom was su cking me so i did not relay wanted to play ahahahah
Jonathan Fay: ?!!
Adam Burton: i rest my case
Haytem Alaj: she is good ur mom adam i like her more than ur sister
Haytem Alaj: hahahahahhahaahha
Adam Burton: lol
Adam Burton: crazy, he must have been 12
Jonathan Fay: well that was entertaining. gents..out.
Adam Burton: bye